cidermaking — Thoughts, experiments, recipes for fermenting easily and safely — FermentWorks


Cider Chat on The Big Book of Cidermaking

The Big Book of Cidermaking was released on September 1, 2020. We had a great in-person tour planned for the release of this book, which was originally going to launch on June 9, 2020, we’d hoped that by fall we could still go out and talk cider throughout the nation. As you know by now, that was serious wishful thinking. Like all authors with new books in 2020 we didn’t tour, we didn’t read in bookstores nor meet any of you and sign your copies. We stayed home and stayed safe.

And we did lots of interviews over Zoom, like all the other authors. In the beginning book store employees seemed excited about the new format and the ability to reach so many more people (anyone in the world with a connection) not just their regulars that came in the doors. Here is our first conversation with Ria Windcaller on her podcast Cider Chat. It was a great start because Ria is well known and well respected in the cider community, and she was a pleasure to talk with.

In the chat you will learn more about our farm, our apple orchard, our cider cave, and our decades-long fall tradition of making apple cider by hand, cranking and squeezing baskets upon baskets of our apples in our wooden and steel double-barreled cider press. It defines autumn for us. If you would like a signed copy just order one or two and we will get it out to you today.

We will be adding a cidermaking course on the fermentation school this summer so sign-up to the school for free so that you will get the notification when it releases.

Cider Chat Episode 231 The Big Book of Cidermaking
Ria Windcaller with Christopher and Kirsten Shockey

Listen also at iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher (for Android), iHeartRadio , Spotify and wherever you love to listen to podcasts.
