Powell's is planning on moving a lot of Fiery Ferments!
Multnomah Falls is amazing. You just stand there mesmerized by water falling over 600 feet. Kirsten and I were last here 19 or so years ago and agree that the trail is much steeper. Okay, just Christopher believes this to be true.
We stayed at the Cascade Locks on the mighty Columbia river. At first we were disappointed that Hood River had no rooms available but then, as is often the case with us, we fell in love with yet another place and its inhabitants. This is Kirsten in a tree, which happens more often than many people realize.
It feels like coming home to be back in a farmers market stall, greeting people and inviting them in to taste fermented foods, sometimes for their first time. The difference of course is we are selling books, not ferments. Samples have always been free...
Getting ready for the morning at the farmers market with Jenny and Muir from Waucoma Bookstore on a beautiful Saturday in Hood River Oregon.